Monday, June 6, 2011

Why can't I ever just take a sick day?

I really am not good at being sick. I have no patience and that makes me a pretty annoying patient.  I just want to get better. Like right now. I want be able to do my normal routine. I am not good at lying around on the couch watching Dr. Phil reruns. Don’t get me wrong, I love Dr. Phil, but after about four or five hours I find myself examining every aspect of my life and asking myself “What would Dr. Phil do?” Obviously this can create some dangerous situations because I am really fond of some aspects of my life but I am pretty sure that Dr. Phil would say they have to go. I don’t think he would indulge in my eating half a cartoon of ice cream a night while watching the real housewives. This is of course followed by a healthy fourth meal of cinnamon toast crunch and pistachios. I also have a morning routine that involves prodding Clinton with sharp objects until he finally gets out of bed. I could definitely hear Dr. Phil having a very strong opinion about this ritual.
And the really sad thing is that during a regular work week I often fantasize about being home alone with the remote and my sheep blanket, but in reality I would only enjoy about five minutes of that. I need to be active and I need companionship. On rainy winter days when I don’t have any motivation to run errands because it involves getting my hair wet and undoing the hour and a half I spent straightening the frizzball, I am known to compulsively clean my house. I will clean the rafters, the floorboards, the windows – anything that catches my attention.  So when I am feeling under the weather and I reduced to lying on the couch watching TV, my mind comes up with lists of things that need to be done and then I feel guilty for not doing them.
Now Clint on the other hand can lie on the couch and watch TV all afternoon and not feel guilty about not getting a darn thing done. All I can say is it must be a gender thing. He never feels obligated to rush around just to squeeze in another load of laundry or to swing by the grocery store.
I think that might be why he is more relaxed and easy going then me.  He has figured out what is really important at the end of the day and what isn’t – especially if using this line of thinking will get him out of another round of chores.

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