Thursday, June 2, 2011

The problem I have with flying.

So if you have ever flown. You know the first thirty minutes or so can be enjoyable. You get to know your seatmate, you take off and you get to look at all the scenery below you. Well, after about thirty minutes the scenery all looks the same, your seatmate it no longer witty and now it just annoying in a middle-school way, and you can’t go to sleep because some kid two rows behind you is narrating his entire life story at top volume.
This is when flying really gets enjoyable.  I usually shrink into my seat, plug my iPod into my ears and attempt to page through a magazine. I try to make a game out of how long I can go without looking at the clock. The longest I have ever gone is five minutes.  I generally breathe a little easier when I see the flight attendants come around to pick up our trash because then I know we more than halfway done with our flight.
However the hardest thing about flying is not the flight. It is stuffing everything you need into one suitcase. Do you know how hard it is to pack clothes, shoes, a straightner, a blow dryer, make up etc into one suitcase that fits into the size limits for a carry on. Let me tell you, I could win some awards. It is called creative packing. I fold everything into the little package I can, and then I just start cramming.  Nothing looks to pretty when you take it out, but at least I got it all in.
I wouldn’t have to cram things in my suitcase in the first place if I didn’t have such a propensity to over pack. I bring everything just in case.  It doesn’t matter if the forecast calls for 90 degrees and sun every day, I am going to bring my jeans and a sweater just in case. I also need extras of everything just in case. I have no actual idea what just in case actually is, but I like to be prepared. I always carry a razor and toothbrush in my purse just in case I end up spending the night away from home. I want to be able to have fresh breath and smooth legs.

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