Thursday, March 31, 2011

Welcome to the Samantha Show!

March 31st 2011
So here is my entrance into the egocentric world of blogging. You would have to be egocentric to think that people actually want to take the time to read what you write about your life. But for as egocentric of a nation as we are, we are also voyeurs. We as a society are fascinated with the intimate details of other peoples lives, especially if their life is one great big disaster.
There is nothing more boring than to watch a reality show where everyone gets along and it is all sunshine and rainbows. We want to see chaos, tears, yelling and feuds that go on for days. When a couple gets engaged, you want to see the ring and hear the details about the wedding. But when a couple gets divorced, you want to know who gets the kids, who gets the house, whose fault is it, are they going to go to court, who is going to be their rebound relationship.  I am much more likely to stay tuned to a show if before the break they announce: “Stay tuned to see what relationship is ending in chaos.” Then, “Stay tuned to see which adorable couple gets engaged.”
But anyways, I hope that whoever ends up reading my blog enjoys it. Remember nothing I write is supposed to be offensive but I also am not censoring myself.
I will tell you a little about my life. I live the American dream. That is if your idea of the American dream resembles a hodgepodge of people, animals and things.
Clint and I live in a cute little house in historic Bon Air. Hopefully that makes it sound really quaint and charming. That is realtor speak for no closet space and tiny doorframes along with a bathroom that was last remodeled in the 1970s. We have a huge backyard, but sadly I cant hang all my clothes up in the backyard and call it a closet. Thankfully I have been able to improvise closet space by taking over all the other closets and buying really skinny hangers so I can cram more hangers per square foot. We probably shouldnt even begin to discuss the alarming rate at which my shoe collection multiplies. If DSW or Dillards has a really good sale, my shoe collection has been known to acquire five to eight pairs in a weekend. So it takes work to find the shoes, then it takes work to find a place to store the shoes, finally it takes work to slowly introduce them into my wardrobe so Clint does not become suspicious and puts me on shopping lockdown. There is nothing worse than being notified of wonderful, once in a lifetime sales going on and not being able to participate in them.
Recently though I have gotten on a budget kick and have started to actually look for ways to save money and stay on budget. I have to admit, once you get on a roll it is kind of fun. I got two bills significantly lowered in one hour. Although my plans for that newly saved money does involve shopping so that is probably why I found so much enjoyment in saving the money in the first place.
But anyways, back on topic. I love our little house but no one ever tells you the amount of work and upkeep involved in a house. You have to rake the leaves, mow the lawn, paint the deck, and mulch the flowerbeds. Sheesh.  Say good-bye to your weekends. All fall I would literally rake, only to go back inside and watch the wind blow more leaves down from the trees. I am pretty sure it was a conspiracy.
Anyways, off to go cook dinner for the restless natives. 
More rambling later I am sure.